Made by M4RTiN Moderating by Jakemeister JustinC
Corrado 1.8 G60 Manufacture Date: 1990, model 1991: number 010727 Owner: High Corrado from Netherlands, Noord-Holland Colorcode: LC4U (Violet touch pearl effect was delivered from 1993 till 1994) Bought on date: 06-02-2012
Information / Adjustments : hallo,
dit is de corrado die ik ga opknappen
- nieuwe lak
- motor weer fris
- gereviseerde g-lader
- geheel origineel maken.
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If anyone wants to have the body kit, send me a pm you can have it for free!
This is the corrado i'm going to rebuild.
- fresh paint
- engine properly
- gebuild g-lader
- as original as possible
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Wishlist :
Now its winter the corrado remains in the garage.
saving for:
-Sport airfilter
-pulley and chip
-oil cooler
Totalscore: 60, average:10