Manufacture Date: 1995 Owner: Crossley from United Kingdom, Englands North Colorcode: LC5L (Mystic blue pearl effect was delivered from 1995 till 1995) Bought on date: 20/6/07
Tornado Cyprus (Cyprus) | 23 April 2009 @ 09:37:52
Happy b-day mate!!!
Tornado Cyprus (Cyprus) | 23 April 2008 @ 07:16:47
One of my favourite 'Rados here man and also happy b-day to you Wish u only the best with your awesome Storm Already scored you maximum points, so keep up the fantastic work Cheers and drive safe bro
jeroen Netherlands (Overijssel) | 5 February 2008 @ 23:41:42
HI! I`m glad to see, that you have your car...that you did not had to sell it...enjoy in sunny days in it
YoMan Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz) | 4 January 2008 @ 09:57:52
A beautiful Strom do you have. Did you bring the VR6 "sign" extra so up in your front??? From me 10 Points
Wish United Kingdom (Englands North) | 4 January 2008 @ 02:27:13
Happy New Year, Hey I'm glad you did'nt have to sell the Storm , take it easy my friend Spoilers Up
Kris-G60 Switzerland (Zentralschweiz) | 19 December 2007 @ 23:29:04
Great Storm Rado. Your Rims are very Good. I Like it. Drife Safe and 10 Points. Greets from Switzerland. Kris
Azra16v Slovenia (Slovenian Istria) | 11 November 2007 @ 00:30:58
hi!...really nice car...storm..nice collor...nice rims...i would not sell safe...10 p!
Crossley United Kingdom (Englands North) | 17 October 2007 @ 01:08:23
Thanks again,,, I'll try not too as much as i can pal..We'll see
Tornado Cyprus (Cyprus) | 16 October 2007 @ 18:13:48
Mate if i was in UK i would buy it from you Such a beatiful and rare car and you 'll sell it? How can u do it??? :'
Crossley United Kingdom (Englands North) | 16 October 2007 @ 17:50:51
I keep looking out of the window at work at it and I'll try my hardest not to sell it...I know i'll be sick as F**k if I sell it. Thanks alot for reply.
Tornado Cyprus (Cyprus) | 4 October 2007 @ 16:17:46
Awesome 'Rado mate! Definately 10 points for you A Storm really is amazing and rare. Take care of her mate! Great colour, rims and exterior styling. Keep up the good work
Very nice Rado !!! Love the color 10p for you my friend
usjordan23 Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) | 7 August 2007 @ 23:20:01
10 Points Back for Ya Nice Corrado too.. The BRA is original From "VW of America" Its Really Rare.. But i have it. hihi The Fog Lights are from In.Pro and the Fron Lights also from In.Pro, very expensive, but is looks so Damn Nice..
jeroen Netherlands (Overijssel) | 7 August 2007 @ 19:21:33
thx for the reply, yaa i want the same rims on the trailer but ya money! want a new ride so maybe 6 new rims your ride is awesome! love it al 10 points back grtzz from nl
DeMeert Belgium (Vlaams-Brabant) | 5 August 2007 @ 14:35:05
hey thanks, really nico corrado you have there, damn a storm edition, great colour, nice rims. just a great combination of everything. 10 points from Belgium
qlek Poland (Malopolskie) | 3 August 2007 @ 19:08:47
Thx. Your Corr - I like this style - 10!
Artica Netherlands (Utrecht) | 2 August 2007 @ 18:50:30
Crossley United Kingdom (Englands North) | 25 July 2007 @ 10:58:06
Cheers for comment, There isn't anything else body work wise that i'm doing to the car. And all the parts that i have changed as in lights and grill, even the steering wheel i've still got so don't worry it's all there. Thanks again for interest.
MacFly Netherlands (Noord-Brabant) | 24 July 2007 @ 22:56:00
I see you've got a lot of plans for your C, but why all the trouble? You've got a classic Corrado right under your nose. This beauty will bring all it's value for money. What more can you wish when you can drive an original 1995 VR6 Storm Edition. I envy you for having such a rare Corrado, I really mean that. I will predict you that in 10 or 15 years this car will be collectors item. That means a hard to find and hard to buy Corrado, but only if you leave it an original state. So why mess with the bodyworks, this is pure gold you have. If I where you I just would keep it the way it is. Perhaps with 10 points I can per sway you Greetz Johan
M2D JR a.k.a. Sam United Kingdom (Englands North) | 22 July 2007 @ 14:15:25
Nice Storm Corroado. Maybe i'll see you around town!
pascal_vr6 Netherlands (Gelderland) | 14 July 2007 @ 16:52:09
Crossley United Kingdom (Englands North) | 10 July 2007 @ 12:39:12
Thanks Tyler, hey could you tell me where you got the bonnet protector from that is fitted to your car on some of your pictures. The wheels are AEZ's. They where bought from a place called wheelbase in Oldham in the UK.Check my motor out in a few weeks and see what you think.
Tyler Germany (Niedersachsen) | 7 July 2007 @ 13:31:47
nice and clean car mate!! what rims are those ??? Are you rocking the stock exhaust ?? 10 points mate !! cheers! ----
Greg United Kingdom (Englands North) | 7 July 2007 @ 11:35:01
You lucky bastard. That's one nice Storm. Looks good mate do you live local? 10 points
Wish United Kingdom (Englands North) | 4 July 2007 @ 12:46:49
Simple as, Corrado Storm = 10 points,seriously though sweet ride.
Corrado Wout Netherlands (Noord-Holland) | 4 July 2007 @ 12:19:21
Incredible a Strom Corrado. Like the interior, wheels and exhaust. Defenitly 10 points
ABB United Arab Emirates (Dubai) | 4 July 2007 @ 06:57:49
Lovely looking Storm Crossley, great condition, nice rims! Let's see more pics once she's tarted up 10 pts from Dubai mate