I'm rebuilding the front of my C to the original OEM-style, so i've some parts to sell. My clear in.pro front is available.
The foglights are covered with a yellow foil at the moment .. looks awesome but it's no problem to remove it.
I changend the LEDs of the angel eyes because they changed colour to orange-yellow ... now they're cool white-blue again. (have an look on my pics)
The background of the AngleEyes are coloured black aditionally, so they're looking little bit "darker" when they're switched off.
The parking light - function of the indicators are not included!!
pay attention! it's only xenon - optic!! not real xenon! there are normal H7-bulbs included which seem to be xenons, but they're not (and without the E - sign) ... so they are not allowed on European streets! you can use these bulbs only "for show" - on the street you have to switch to normal H7-bulbs